The Naked Truth About Your Body

The Naked Truth About Your Body


When was the last time you looked at yourself and thought, “I’m one hot mama”? Seriously. Did you do it with clothes on? Or in the flesh? And what were you thinking? Or are you reading this and thinking, “Deborah – you’re one crazy lady! I barely have time to take a shower, let alone look at myself in the mirror.”

Here’s the deal ladies. No matter how busy, crazy, fast paced or otherwise distracted our lives are – we gotta love what are mamas gave us. These bodies are the equivalent of a rental car. It’s the vehicle transporting us through this life. Whether you subscribe to the theory that we are spirit beings having human experiences or not, the fact remains that we have this one body to live in right now. It morphs throughout the years. It expands, contracts, sags, perks, gets hairy, looses hair, is smooth, rough, gets spots and on and on. We can take it in for tune-ups, remodeling and oil changes. But the fact remains—it’s still our one and only.

SO, how do you want to feel about your body? More importantly, what are you willing to do to feel that way? Take this first step. I want you to go look at yourself in the mirror. It’s cool. I’ll wait. Get up. Go to a mirror and LOOK at yourself. What do you see? If you can’t get past the wrinkle, bulge, sag, pouf, vein, asymmetries, or whatever – can you appreciate the precise intricacy that makes up your human form?

My friend, Kute Blackson, wrote a song called “Miracle”. It’s all about the brilliance of our bodies. That we are literally a walking, breathing miracle. As Kute states in the song, our bodies do the following:

– Your heart beats 101,000 times per day.

– During your life it will beat 300 million times.

– Each day you take 23,000 breaths.

– Your blood travels 60,000 miles each day on its journey through the body.

– 25 million cells are being produced in your body each second.

– You blink at least 15,000 times per day.

– Your brain has about 100 billion nerve cells.

– If all your DNA was stretched out it would reach the moon 6000 times.

– You shed 600,000 particles of skin every hour.

– Your bones are 4 times stronger than concrete.

– Your eyes can distinguish up to 1 million color surfaces, and take in more information than the largest telescope in the world.

– Your lungs inhale over 2 million liters of air daily.

– When you touch anything, a message is sent to your brain at 124 mph.

– Your skin consists of 280,000 heat receptors

– The length of your blood vessels would circle the globe 2 ½ times.

– You have the ability to distinguish up to 10,000 different smells.

– Your tongue has over 10,000 taste buds.

Isn’t that enough to make you fall madly in love with your body? Or at the very least be in serious awe? Instead of worrying about the purely outward appearance, remember the brilliant details occurring within you every second of every day during waking hours and sleep.

I needed this reminder and made a vow to myself today that I will kiss myself (literally) and praise my parts in the shower as I wash them every day for the next week. Soaping my amazing legs that carry me from place to place. Awesome arms that can hug, carry and hold me up in yoga, beautiful belly that is soft to the touch and has super strong core underneath (this self-love exercise is an audience favorite called The Love Body Wash found in my book, Find Your ME Spot). I encourage you to find the gorgeousness in all your bits and pieces—because that’s YOUR naked truth.

Big Love,


Let's connect in person! Come hang out with me and a group of awesome women LIVE in Los Angeles at the ROCK YOUR MOJO WOMEN’S WEEKEND. Find all the details and tickets HERE.

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Deborah Kagan Deborah Kagan, Sensual Lifestyle Specialist, is a popular guest speaker on the topic of sensuality and how to transform all areas of your life – personal, business, and spiritual – into one of creativity, passion, and wealth. Through working with Deborah either one-on-one, in group programs, at live events or with home study courses through, women tap into their innate power and connect with their mojo, which is the source of true self-esteem. She is the author of Find Your ME Spot: 52 Ways to Reclaim Your Confidence, Feel Good in Your Own Skin and Live a Turned On Life.
