Dance for Your Life


Dance is the hidden language of the soul. ~ Martha Graham

DANCE, baby!!! Move that delicious body you’re in. This is a Life Below the Neck embodiment piece that’s one of my all time faves. It’s engaging in the first O of the M.O.J.O system—your Oracle (aka your body). Now the cool thing about dancing is that it gets your body moving and it reminds you that you HAVE A BODY. Most women today are so busy and have over committed lives. You’re on the computer, social media, listening to teleclasses, running errands, doing laundry, taking care of the kids, diving into the next big career project….and you’re stuck in your head, your Life Above the Neck. So, you need to start to embody this wonderful rental vehicle that you have—your body, in order to be more present, magnetic and draw to you what you’re desiring. Dance allows you to do that. It instantly gets you in your body.

Another plus about this piece of the Mojo pie is: all you need is YOU. And you can be anywhere. You don’t need rhythm. You don’t need any special Beyonce moves. You simply need the willingness to let yourself relish in your own body.

Your body is the landing pad for all your desires. It’s the place where you can create and manifest from. Too many women have divorced themselves from their bodies for a variety of reasons (trauma, abuse, shame, etc). Regardless of what happened in your past, you are here now. What happened is complete and not occurring now. Take back your body. Own the skin you’re in and find the place of sheer delight in simply moving around in this one precious body of yours.



Put together a little playlist of some songs that wake up your personal dance groove. If that seems too daunting, pick one song or artist you dig and make a station on your Pandora or Spotify account. Give yourself a minimum of five minutes and a maximum of an hour for your solo dance party. Then press play.

Let yourself feel the music. What part of your body wants to move? Which way does your body inherently want to groove? Pay attention to the inner cues and act on them. You will notice you’re moving in ways that might seem new or weird to you. No worries. You are finding a new expression of your energy. Let it flow.

Dancing as a personal exercise can also be a great way to move emotion through your body. You might find feelings coming up. Great! Dance those out of your body. Shimmy, shake and thrust them through and out of you. Remember, those feelings have energy and that energy takes up vital space in you. Let whatever is not necessary for where you are today transcend to a different place. Your body is not meant to be a storehouse for your past. Dance it into being a landing pad for your current desires.

Bonus Tips:

Turn your cell phone off or at least set it to silent for an undisturbed dance party.

Dance in your underwear—or naked.


So mojolicious one, you up for it? How does dancing make you feel? And what are your fave songs to get your groove on? Share yourself with me in the comments below.

Big love,




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