Today I’m here to talk to you about a nasty three letter word.

We all toss it around and schmeer it in our sentences like the sweetener in our morning coffee. It’s routine. It’s habit. And after a while, you don’t even realize you’re doing it.

This word – these three letters – have long lasting impact on the degradation of your mojo. Yep.

Because here’s the deal – Mojo begins with your mindset. It’s the first of the four pillars in the mojo system I teach and use to coach women. Ultimately we need to get our head’s straight first and continue building from there.

So, you’re probably wondering what are these three letters Deborah? What the heck is this nasty three letter word.

The word, ladies is this – TRY. T. R. Y.

Makes my skin crawl saying it…probably because I spent so much of my life saying it and now I know better. Which is why we’re talking about it here today – because I want YOU to know better in order to create the career, relationship and lifestyle of your choosing.

Try. Blech.

I’ll try to make the party.
I’ll try to write the proposal.
I’ll try to loose the weight.

Listen to that.
There’s no mojo in try. There’s no energy in it.
There’s certainly no CERTAINTY in it.
It’s just riddled with low vibration, limp noodle syndrome and lack of commitment.

AND when you use this kind of language it literally dumbs you down.
It’s an all too convenient ‘out’ and a way of playing small.

I don’t know about you but I’m here to live out loud and play big in this game of life…and T.R.Y. ain’t in the lingo of that game. Plus, when you say that, you don’t have any skin in the game.

Yoda said it straight…
Do. Or do not. There is no try.

Here’s the deal.
Try to stop this video right now.
Not possible. You’re either going to stop it. Or not.
There’s no try about it.

When your language, which is created by your thoughts, consists of words that are not congruent with what you’re creating, then you’ll continue to get what you’ve always gotten.

From this moment on, be mindful of your words.

They shape your life.

Take yourself seriously.

Be proactive in stoking the fires of your mindset mojo.
You are becoming the woman you’ve always known yourself to be.
You’re definitely not trying to become her.

When you connect to your mojo and the tools to cultivate it, you are, as I like to say, totally mojolicious.

What do you think about this nasty three letter word?

Leave a comment below and make sure to share this video with all the women you love.

AND – to get great free tips on your mojo tools and, more importantly, how to put them into action – go to deborah-kagan.com and access your complimentary gift from me.

I’m on a mission to see every woman rock her mojo.

Until next time, get out there and knock ‘em alive, ladies!

1 Comment

  1. Sarah on November 27, 2014 at 6:09 am

    Deborah, I love your message and your energy! Totally agree about TRY–great point. It always feels limp to use that word. Thanks for the reminder about the importance of our mindset and our language. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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