How to Boost Your Energy


Enthusiasm is the most important thing in life. ~ Tennessee Williams

You and everyone on the planet has a power center. The power center is literally is where your mojo lives. It’s in you. It’s in your body. It’s what houses your magnetism and everyone has one. It is located below your navel, above your pubic bone, goes from the front of the body to the back and the hips are the parentheses that hold it in place (that’s why dance is such a mojo inducing endeavor).

Now what’s really fascinating about your power center is that it’s the place that generates abundance in all forms. It generates wealth, opportunities, relationships—it is your manifestation center.

There are three main things that start to drain your power center. And you MUST pay attention to them. These are all things you interact with regularly and you need to take note of how you do so. First is your lifestyle—and that includes nutrition (what you’re eating, what you’re not eating), it also includes your career (how your work is fulfilling you or not) and it includes exercise (are you moving the body or not).

The second potential drain is your relationships. Are your relationships serving you or are they not? Including your personal, professional and social ones. A great way to know if a relationship is fulfilling, serving you and filling your power center up is to pay attention to how your body feels when you’re around people. Does your body ‘plump up’ around them? Does it feel expansive? Does it feel really safe? Those are all good things and an indication that the relationship is fueling your power center. Or on the flip side, does your body start to contract, feel small, or get tense around them? Do all your muscles clamp down? Like your shoulders start to go up and your neck gets smaller, tighter? These are all indications of power center draining relationships.

The third thing you have to pay attention to is stress. We all lead very busy lives these days and you have to really monitor how stressed out you’re getting.

Stress can come emotionally, psychologically, physically and nutritionally. There are all these different layers of stress. And the one you have really easy control over is your nutritional stress. This is not to suggest you deprive yourself of delicious tastes and good meals with people you dig. It is simply meant to encourage you to find out what causes harmony in your body through the things you fuel it with. So that’s something to start to look at and pay attention to now. Notice when your power center is feeling filled up. Those are the things you want more of and when your power center is feeling drained, those are the things you want less of.



Your mojo is largely based on where your energy is directed. When it’s scattered and confused, less mojo for you to share. Thinking about the power center drains from above, write down a list of the top five things that are ‘mooching’ your mojo below (i.e. going back and forth about joining gym, clean the house, relationship with Jane, etc.):


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Now, make a decision about what you’re going to do about the above.

You can either:

  • delegate the task
  • take action on it yourself
  • get rid of it or get out of it (meaning allow yourself to recognize it’s not important and therefore you’re letting it go from your life…even if it’s a relationship. Because if it’s on the list, it most likely isn’t serving you and that’s a HUGE drain to your power center…aka: home of your mojo)

The more you free yourself up to BE and DO only the things that bring out your mojo, the better YOU and the world will be.


So mojolicious one, what’s draining your mojo? And what are you going to do about it? I’m all eyes on your comments. Share with me below.

Big love,




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