How to Avoid Mediocrity

Today I’m here to talk to you about – mediocrity.

This is what I’ve been hearing and encountering in too many conversations recently. Whenever I come across a disempowering theme in the collective consciousness, I know we’ve got some mojo to talk, my friends.

Because together WE CAN stop themes like this from running rampant and take a stand for your one delicious potent life.

Now, someone wise once said, “if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll continue to get what you’ve always had.”

That’s clearly not a formula for success on any level.

It’s a formula for staying small. It’s a formula for staying in a ‘safe’ place. It’s a formula for stagnation – over and over again. Dare I say it again – it’s a formula for a mediocre life. Yech.

Is it true that our culture and society has primed us to adopt this philosophy?


Is it true that we’re conditioned to believe it’s better to run with the pack then stand out?


Is it true that we have the power, potential and resources to change all of it?


It’s much simpler than we make it out to be.

All we need to get in alignment with it this universal fact:

Change is CONSTANT.

When we let ourselves flow with the rivers of change, we can become masters at navigating the twists and turns.

We can point our compass to specific goals.

We can captain our life ships and aim them to our own personal paradise.

What has to happen first is to recognize when you start to slip into the mediocrity zone…AND THEN take the steps to shift into your POWER zone.

The following is a method to help you with this:

  • First notice when you have the nagging feeling that something is ‘off’ – pay attention. These signals indicate the start of mediocrity.
  • Listen to the ‘voice’ speaking to you. 9 times out of 10 it’s not yours. It’s something or someone from the past who’s dug a wormhole into your psychic system with a message full of bunk./
  • Immediately begin to counteract it by taking 9 conscious deep breaths. This clears your system and allows for the TRUTH to enter you.
  • Recognize this feeling of clarity you receive. Let it sink in because it will become your baseline over time with repeated use.
  • From this place make your decision
  • In order to achieve any tangible results (personally, professionally, spiritually) you MUST shift your environment.

    Your inner and outer environments.

    The process I just shared is a powerful tip to create inner shifts.

    For the top 3 game changers to shifting your outer environment, go to:

    I’ve put together a 3 part video training for you that will catapult you out of mediocrity and into your mojo.

    Because when you connect to your mojo and the tools to cultivate it, you are, as I like to say, totally mojolicious.

    And you know I’m on a mission to see every woman rock her mojo.

    Until next time, get out there and knock ‘em alive, ladies!

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