How to Create a Sensual Environment

Today I’m here to talk to you about the fourth pillar in the M.O.J.O. system – your oasis. Your environment.

Look around. Seriously. Right Now. Take your eyes off the monitor, iPhone, iPad or whatever other device you’re watching this with and soak up the surroundings.

What does it look like? Is there a particular smell? Are sounds wafting through the room? Does the chair/couch/pogo stick you’re sitting on have a particular feel? How about taste? Are there any flavors there right now?

Now – take a moment and tap into how all of this makes you feel. Are you inspired? Excited? Overwhelmed? Indifferent?

You see – our environments have a PROFOUND affect on our daily life.

They literally are an outer representation of what’s occurring within.

An environment rich with sensual stimuli will always trump a sterile one. I know this first hand, because even though many of you might not know this, for over 17 years I have supported clients make quantum leaps in their lives through the art of Feng Shui. And one of the things Feng Shui brings to the table is literally making your environment throb with sensuality. It is a tool that creates the ‘6th sense’ experience – the one that’s associated with where our genius comes from.

So today, I want to share with you 5 ways to tap into your sensual power through your environment:

Tip No. 1
Look Good.
It’s a known fact that everything we see is processed through our optic nerve, which then sends a message to our brain and ultimately we have a physiological, biological and psychological reaction to it. Make sure you have visually pleasing things around you. Photos, art, flowers, plants, colors and decorative objects are easy ways to enhance the sense of SIGHT. (95% of Feng Shui cures fall into this category).
Tip No. 2
Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
SOUND literally travels in waves. It has vibration and can lift or plummet the feeling in any room. Common items that utilize this sense are windchimes and waterfalls. They add flow and direction to any room. Music, nature sounds and the human voice (from live people or the radio, tv, etc) are other ways one can adjust the experience in a space.
Tip No. 3
Take a Whiff.
Ever think about aromatherapy? It’s a huge business and used in many spa treatments because not only does the sense of SMELL have transformative qualities, it can literally heal. These days you can use essential oils straight from the bottle, drop them in an oil burner, use candles, an aromatherapy spray or even incense to transform a room.
Tip No. 4
I feel you, baby.
Imagine living in a room made only of sandpaper. Yikes! That would be irritating to say the least. Now imagine living in a room of velvet, silk, fur and feathers. Feels decadent and rich. Delish, right? Pay attention to the tactile sense of TOUCH and make sure to incorporate items that make you say YES!
Tip No. 5
Bite me.
You’ve heard of certain foods being an aphrodisiac. Oysters happen to be one of my faves. But, what people tend to forget is that you can use this sense of taste in your home or office to create a more stimulating experience. I tend to keep pieces of candied ginger nearby for the moments when I need a boost. Find the TASTE that inspires you and keep it within arms reach.

So mojolicious one…which of these tips will you incorporate to get your OASIS on board and give yourself the opportunity to have an environment that fuels your mojo?

Leave a comment below and make sure to share this video with all the women you love.

When you connect to your mojo and the tools to cultivate it, you are, as I like to say, totally mojolicious.

I’m on a mission to see every woman rock her mojo.

Until next time, get out there and knock ‘em alive, ladies!

1 Comment

  1. Tamara on January 8, 2015 at 5:22 pm

    Hi Deborah,

    Great reminder to fix up my environment. This particular video is so timely to what is going on at my house these days. After a broken water line into my home and flood in the basement I am cleaning out even more of what I don’t need. Now I’m on a mission to create my home to be more peaceful, serene and pleasing to all the senses. Thanks for sharing this valuable reminder today! Sending love and blessings to you in this wonderful new year.

    Love, Tamara

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