New Beginnings

Today is actually the first New Moon of 2015.

New Moons are all about fresh starts.

Clearing the decks. Beginnings.

It’s our monthly opportunity to plant seeds and start anew.

One of the things you might not know about me is that I read astrology charts, or birth charts as they’re commonly known. I do this for my private clients because it lets you see, what I call, the blueprint of you. And when we know more about ourselves, our internal/stellar operating system, well then we can have a much more profound sense of self love.

It’s like this. When you recognize that your hardwired to be connected to your inner nature but you’ve been ignoring that side of yourself because you were brought up to believe that logic, academics and cold hard facts are the measure for decision making in life—well, you pretty much shove your inner wisdom down a chute and hope it will stay there and not bother you.

YET – there’s been a constant nagging to pay attention to your inner wisdom but you’ve continued to fight it year after year after year.

But when you take a look through the lens of your unique birth chart, based on your birthdate, time and location of birth, you now have evidence that you’re wired to use your inner guidance. And having that knowledge frees up the psychic police from holding that part of yourself in shackles. YOU feel more confident and can move forward in your life with more certainty listening to yourself as a guide.

This is just one example, however I share this with you because we all have our own unique celestial stamp. And while you don’t need to live, breathe and die by it, I do recommend you get aquainted with it.

Which brings me back to the New Moon.

Every month the date of the New Moon will correspond with the sign of the zodiac that’s associated with that calendar date.

AND if you know your birth chart, you’ll be able to look at it and see what part of your chart the New Moon will be illuminating…there’s lots more to share on that, but we can save it for future videos.

Back to today and this New Moon.

Right now we are experiencing an Aquarian New Moon.

New Moon in Aquarius = New social situations and chance to evolve into something much bigger than you’ve thought about before.

Each month on a New Moon, you can apply the energy beaming down to you to all aspects of your life (you can think about what new beginning you’d like in your career, love life, family, health, etc.)

And you don’t need to know HOW this new sense evolution in your life will happen. You simply need to be WILLING to open to it and then act upon it.

The other thing that’s specific to this time is that the sky is dark during the New Moon. We are not able to see the moon in the night sky and it appears as though she’s missing. It’s common to hear that these New Moon times can feel gloomy…you might feel somewhat internal and even slightly depressed.

If you notice that happens to you, I encourage you to take a new perspective. The sky may ‘look’ dark, yet the Moon is still there she’s simply shining her light elsewhere.

Therefore, she’s present. She’s in the sky. She IS a part of our life.

She’s simply showing us a blank slate to create the next beautiful phase of our lives.

If you remember this, it can support you in remembering the fact that whatever you want or seek is ALWAYS there. It merely may appear to be missing.

In honor of this New Moon in the forward thinking Aquarius, claim this new vision. Let this MINDSET MOJO become a part of you and your cycles.

Here are a few New Moon rituals for you to add into your box of Mojo Tools:

Tip No. 1
IlluminateGet a candle. Could be a special one or a lovely candle holder that you put a tealight in and use for your New Moon rituals. Take a moment to center yourself by deep breathing into your power center. Once you feel like you’re in your body, ask yourself what you’re choosing to plant on this New Moon. Write it down and light your candle.

Tip No. 2
PlantThis is where you can literally plant your intentions. First you’ll need some birdseed or a small stone that’s symbolic to you. Again, you’ll want to center yourself with deep breathing and focus on what you’re creating in your life. As you do this hold the stone or a small amount of the birdseed. Channel your vision into it. When you feel complete, take the stone or seed and plant it somewhere outside near your front door as a symbolic gesture to welcome it into your home.

Tip No. 3
Tidy UpJust like the moon creates a clean canvas in the sky for us to paint a new picture in our lives, so must we do the same in our environments. Our homes are the incubator of our lives. So make sure you clean up, dust, vacuum and prepare your space to cultivate your desires.

So mojolicious one…which of these tips will you incorporate on this delicious New Moon/New Beginning?

Leave a comment below and make sure to share this video with all the women you love.

When you connect to your mojo and the tools to cultivate it, you are, as I like to say, totally mojolicious.

I’m on a mission to see every woman rock her mojo.

Until next time, get out there and knock ‘em alive, ladies!

1 Comment

  1. Pam on January 20, 2015 at 9:41 pm

    I love this! While watching I came to feel very clear about what I would like to “plant” today. Thank you so much!

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