Title: How to Surround Yourself with Mojo

I realized there’s a common theme to what keeps me successfully moving forward professionally and personally – and it’s all about the who, what and where surrounding me.

You’ve probably heard the old saying that you are the sum of the five people closest to you. Honestly, that used to piss me off. Really?! How can it be that those five become the barometer for my success?

However, here’s a fascinating fact that exemplifies this spot on.

It’s called the Theory of Relative Positioning and it’s one of the KEY principles in the art and science of Feng Shui.

It states that the closer something is to you, the greater effect it has on your life.

Bam! Let that land in your consciousness and store it in there for your growth.

For now, I want to share a few keys to cleaning up your inner orbit in order to have an economic, emotional and energetic turnaround:

No. 1
Work it.
In order to excel at anything in life, you must find someone who has, does or is what you want to accomplish. This person is your role model. They need to embody what you want to create. Talk to them. Connect with them. Hire them. Do whatever it takes to spend time around them and soak up everything they have to offer.

Not only does this take out the scary guesswork of what you need to do in order to accomplish your goal, it also gives you a source of constant inspiration and information to fulfill the goal with the least resistance (That’s why I continue to work with coaches and mentors).


No. 2
Love it.
Are you hanging out with people (family included) out of obligation? If you said yes, you’re syphoning off your life force which is like throwing money out the window while driving really fast on a freeway. It might make other people rich, but you’re bank account is being depleted without cause.

Check in and really ask yourself if the relationships in your life are fueling you or draining you?

Do you LOVE the people you’re hanging out with? Do they inspire you? Excite you? Support you in being your best self?

A powerful litmus test is to check in with your physical body. If your belly expands with a comfortable deep breath when you’re around person ‘x’ there’s love flowing. If it’s hard and contracted, you need to seriously limit your time with them or say thanks, but no thanks.


No. 3
Live it.
Surrounding yourself with beauty, creature comforts and inspiring elements is key to being a happy, successful person. This is because your environment is a direct reflection of your life.

How do you feel when you come home? Are you weighed down in the office? Is your bedroom a beacon of sensuality and smooth sleep?


If you said NO to any of these, you’ve GOT to make some shifts. It can be as simple as incorporating a certain color into the room or adding a plant or turning a chair around. Your environment is one of the closest things to you and has a profound impact on your bottom line.

OasisWhich brings us back to the Theory of Relative Positioning.
There’s a lot to know about setting up a powerful Oasis for your success. And I want to support you on that part of your path.

I’ve put together a 3 part video training for you that will help you surround yourself with exactly what you need to create a mojolicious circle of support from the ground up.

To get your sweet eyeballs and ears on these game changers to shifting your outer environment, go to:

Because here’s the deal – when you connect to your mojo and the tools to cultivate it, you are, as I like to say, totally mojolicious.

And you know I’m on a mission to see every woman rock her mojo.

Until next time, get out there and knock ‘em alive, ladies!

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