How To Break Through Fear

Today I’m here to talk about transforming your fears.

Someone pretty darn brilliant said the following:

“Faith and fear are closely aligned. They both demand that you believe in something you can’t see. So why not choose faith?”

You see that every day I’m working with women rockin’ their FAITH.

Whether it’s at a VIP day, in a group program, at a live event or on a 1:1 coaching call.

These are women who made the DECISION to kick fear in the rear and instead started gettin’ cozy, cozy with faith.

They all knew that the old ways weren’t working anymore. And even though it was intensely nerve wracking to step up to the plate, commit to work with me and not know a lot about what would happen in the end, they all DID IT! And now their lives are unfolding in ways that make them happier, more energized and ready to receive their desires.

Where are you letting fear grab you by the ovum and wrestle you to the ground?

Is it your personal life?
Is it your job?
Is it with family?

What is it that you want to do, but you’ve simply been too chicken to make a move on?

Let me tell you a truism from Sensuality Central and one of my personal credos:

If it scares you, you’ve gotta’ do it.

Why? Because every time you take action in the direction of something that keeps you contracted, you expand. Something is gained. A new perspective. A new relationship. A new client. A new project. A new victory dance.

That’s why I’ve gone sky diving. Twice.

That’s why I learned to ride a motorcycle. And then bought one.

That’s why I hired a coach. And re-upped for another round.

That’s why I kept saying YES to the honey over the first six months of our relationship. And have, almost 5 years and counting, continuously co-created a relationship that keeps knockin’ my socks off.

The only way to get ‘there’ is THROUGH.

Fear is your soul daring you into action.

What scares you will keep you hostage if you don’t do anything about it.
Remember, a room is only dark until you turn on the light.

Here’s the deal – YOUR MOJO exists on the OTHER side of your fear.

So tell me, what one scary thing will you do this week to free yourself of its shackle? Lemme know in a comment below.

And hey – if you’re ready to have a massive breakthrough and put fear in it’s place, let’s talk. My gift to you because I am fiercely committed to seeing you rock your mojo and knock your life alive!

To book your complimentary mojo discovery session with me, go to

When you connect to your mojo and the tools to cultivate it, you are, as I like to say, totally mojolicious.

I’m on a mission to see every woman rock her mojo.

Until next time ladies, get out there and knock ‘em alive!

Let's connect in person! Come hang out with me and a group of awesome women LIVE in Los Angeles at the ROCK YOUR MOJO WOMEN’S WEEKEND. Find all the details and tickets HERE.

One Response to How To Break Through Fear

  1. You are adorable! Thank you for sharing that. I loved your examples and it is truly the message I needed today. I’m going to try to do one thing that scares me this week.

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Deborah Kagan Deborah Kagan, Sensual Lifestyle Specialist, is a popular guest speaker on the topic of sensuality and how to transform all areas of your life – personal, business, and spiritual – into one of creativity, passion, and wealth. Through working with Deborah either one-on-one, in group programs, at live events or with home study courses through, women tap into their innate power and connect with their mojo, which is the source of true self-esteem. She is the author of Find Your ME Spot: 52 Ways to Reclaim Your Confidence, Feel Good in Your Own Skin and Live a Turned On Life.
